Wednesday, June 11, 2008

70 at Last!

Well that's one thing off my to do list! My pally dinged 70 tonight after a super fast Shadow Labs run. Murmur dropped a [Greatsword of Horrid Dreams] which is a great tanking upgrade for me, and I got my key fragment too...what a busy night! After the run I rode over to Shadowmoon (no fp yet...still working on Blade's Edge!) and grabbed my [Golden Gryphon] I don't normally pick the plain one, but it just seemed like the only choice for a pally. It feels so very sloooooow though, even with the aura! Guess I know what my next project is going to be. :P

Going on the to do list is the rest of my Kara keying quests (I know I can get it, but I like having a key) and my Alchemist's Elixir quest, which requires a black morass run.


Winter said...


GadgetGirl said...

Yay for 70! I'm glad we were able to hit that coveted Ding together. :)

(This is Lesha btw ;)

Winter said...

Haha! With a blogger username like that Lesha, I vote you go gnome/warrior/engineer for your next alt.

GadgetGirl said...

Haha, I know! I got the urge one day to start a blog but never kept up with it. Still kind of a fitting name though. ;) I need to take some tips from Feather on how to make a really cool looking blog.

A Boy and His Dragon said...

I totally support the rolling of the gnome engineer! (Though I think rogue is way better, you'll have a ton of fun with it)

And yes, hitting 70 together was way awesome :) I've been enjoying our little group's runs lately.